July 2021 Archives

Participating in first aid training to help you succeed in your childcare-oriented career

Participating in first aid training to help you succeed in your childcare-oriented career

Are you interested in pursuing a career that involves childcare or supervision? In many cases, these types of jobs are inaccessible should applicants have no formal first aid training or relative experience. A lack in the former can result in you being excluded from some worthwhile and rewarding job positions. But do not fear, at Emcare, we offer an extensive range of first aid training courses…

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Health and safety training course for working at heights

Health and safety training course for working at heights

There are a plethora of hands-on occupations that call for working at heights. In order to be an appealing applicant for any of these jobs, it is a great idea to have a health and safety training course for working with heights under the belt. The dangers of working with heights cannot be understated, which is why courses like this are of the utmost importance should you wish to practice tried and…

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Emcare Fire Fighting Training: Top Fire Hazards in The Workplace

Emcare Fire Fighting Training: Top Fire Hazards in The Workplace

A workplace fire can result in employee injury or death, damage to property, impaired business functioning, and extreme financial strain. The Emcare fire fighting training course can provide your employees with the knowledge and skills to identify fire hazards, prevent fires, and ensure safety during a workplace fire. Avoid and prevent workplace fires with our top ten fire hazard guide.  About…

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Health and safety training for workplace safety

Health and safety training for workplace safety

Many people do not associate health and safety risks with the casual workplace, especially if that space is relatively low-risk. Neglecting to include your employees in health and safety training can only be to the detriment of your company in the case of an emergency. Emcare offers a range of health and safety training courses, many…

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HIV/AIDS and First Aid Training for the Workplace

HIV/AIDS and First Aid Training for the Workplace

Human immunodeficiency virus / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is prevalent in South Africa's working-age group. An estimated 18.7% of adults between 15-49 years old are HIV positive which makes HIV/AIDS awareness a top concern for the workplace. Emcare offers an HIV/AIDS awareness course that will benefit employees with…

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Emcare Safety Officer Course: Becoming a Safety Officer in South Africa

Emcare Safety Officer Course: Becoming a Safety Officer in South Africa

Most South African workplaces require a safety officer. Safety officers are one of the most important employees as they ensure that the workplace is a safe working environment for everyone on the premises. We have looked into the important aspects of being a safety officer in South Africa and demonstrated how the Emcare Safety Officer course is the ideal choice for those wanting to enter into this…

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Learn about confined space rescues with a firefighting course

Learn about confined space rescues with a firefighting course

Most firefighters will respond to several distress calls throughout their careers that will require a confined space rescue. This type of rescue can become quite complex, which is why taking part in a top-tier firefighting course and training program such as the one offered by us at Emcare is so important. Throughout your firefighting course as well as your early firefighting career, you will learn…

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Fire fighting training: Top Household Fire Hazards and Safety Tips

Fire fighting training: Top Household Fire Hazards and Safety Tips

Household fires are truly devastating. They put your life, your family’s life, and your pet's life at risk of severe injury or death. Within a few minutes all your precious family heirlooms, photographs, and treasured items can be destroyed. After the fire, you are left without a home, no belongings, and financial hardship. Read through our guide on fire hazards at home and learn how to keep yourself…

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